Monday, December 8, 2008

The Year Christmas Almost Ended

In the early 1950's Christmas almost came to an end. In what is still a classified military secret, I can confirm that a radar operator who had too much Eggnog and an interceptor pilot still steaming from being on the naughty list the year before almost caused Santa to be shot down. Only Santa's cool hand on the stick and Donner & Blitzen kicking in afterburners averted disaster.

As a result of that close call, the top brass took steps to ensure Santa was never again mistaken for a Soviet bomber. Times have changed but Santa still gets special treatment @ NORAD Tracks Santa. Oh sure, they have their cover story but we know better.

Previously leaked classified documents have surfaced @ A Christmas Yuleblog for 1968 and @ FaLaLaLaLa for 1964.

But shhhhhhhh, lets keep this between us.

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